Gav Barbey

Film maker, writer, set designer and artist, Gav Barbey has has lead a successful art career in Sydney. Known for his paintings of flourishing coloured birds, Gav has also been experimenting with minimal ice-melts. These abstract colour fields are delicate, intriguing with a poetic aesthetic.

“When we bundle individuals into groups by labelling them, we so often overlook the diversities that make them part of any such group”

These works by Gav Barbey are frozen pigments melted on paper from the series Ice Works.

These works by Gav Barbey are frozen pigments melted on paper from the series Ice Works.

“The focus of my recent works has been the simple dot – exploring the many complexities within the tiniest of statements, the many hues and textures in what, from a distance, looks like a dot of solid color.”
— Gav Barbey

Framed Blue
Framed Pink Orange Green
Ice Works on Paper Unframed
Framed Green Black
Framed Pink Purple
Framed Mauve Blue

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