Paul Mason - The Silence of Trees
Opening : 1st April 3 - 5pm | Exhibition Dates : April 1st - May 13th 2023
Paul was born in Melbourne and has been living in Ballarat since 1975. Painting and drawing became a central part of his life as soon as he left school. His working activity has remained in the area of the arts through his own practice, teaching, administration and as a curator. His interest in eastern culture and spiritual philosophy influence his day to day existence and art practice.
He is married to Xin, has two grown up children and three grandchildren.
I work across two mediums, painting and drawing, using ink and pencil on paper, or found pigments and tube pigments on canvas.
Most of my drawings are responses to two regions: the desert region north east of Broken Hill, where I portray mulga, a variety of acacia in its desert setting, and the gorges of Central Victoria.
A tree can be seen in two different ways – as a fixed body in space or interdependent with clouds for water and sunlight, air and soil for nourishment. A tree life is always evolving, it’s not fixed. It’s unborn. As when I stand in front of a blank piece of paper drawing a tree, I recognise the ongoing presence of form arising out of absence.
In the two-dimensional surface, the sky, usually seen as negative space, is filled with the light of an unseen sun. The appearance and disappearance of light behind the tree is an interplay of brightness and dimness reflecting the constancy of change. The experience of light can be transcendent. Doesn’t the sky contain an invisible atmosphere of life-giving carbon dioxide? The desert earth, scene of vast geological transformations of mountains welling up from sea floors, provides the mulga with mineral nutrients and a place for roots to grow. The geological maps in my drawings witness the primordial processes of the earth, which have shaped the land from deep time, giving rise to the landforms I portray.
“A poet looking at a blank sheet of paper will see a floating cloud, even though there is no cloud drawn there. Without a cloud, there will be no rain, without rain, the trees cannot grow; without trees we cannot make paper.” - Nhat Hanh
Paul Mason - Artist Statement
My other medium is monochrome painting – its concern is light and natural phenomena. I cover the canvas surface with many thin lines using a tool I have developed over the years to scrape the wet paint. Instead of being a personal imprint, a line, for me, is an impersonal, universal mark. At the moment of their application, these lines record the movement of time as they transfer energy from my arm to the painting. A constant alternation of form and emptiness is their function.
They also acknowledge the surface of the canvas. Their relationship to the underpainting expresses both the immateriality of light and its withdrawal. Relying on subtle tonalities, my surfaces rarely coalesce into solid, undifferentiated colour.
My whole work, comprising my detailed drawings and my abstract paintings, is my attempt to engage with the essence and energies of nature.